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Axel Habermaier edited this page Apr 11, 2016 · 2 revisions

Hardware Requirements

Other than a 64-bit CPU, S# by itself does not have any special hardware requirements. For model checking, the amount of available system RAM is obviously of great importance, however. We generally recommend Intel quad-core CPUs with at least 3 GHz, 16 GByte of RAM and a SSD.

Supported Operating Systems

S# only runs on 64-bit Windows, version 7 and up. Support for Linux and MacOS is planned, but waits for Microsoft to officially release .NET Core.

Supported Development Environments

S# requires Visual Studio 2015 Update 2. There is a community edition available that can be used free of charge in many cases, in particular for open source development and research. We recommend to install the NUnit Test Adapter extension for Visual Studio.

Support for MonoDevelop on Linux and MacOS is planned for the future.

Supported .NET Runtimes

S# requires .NET 4.5.2 to be installed (comes with Visual Studio). Mono is not and will not be supported. Once a stable version of .NET Core is release, S# will likely be ported to support operating systems other than Windows.


The LTSMin model checker is not included with S#. To compile LTSMin on Windows using cygwin, follow [these instructions](Compiling LTSMin). S# comes with its own model checker that can be used directly that does not require any custom compilation steps. For a comparison between both model checkers, see the [model checking page](Model Checking).